Pencil Box, Geometry Box, Pencil, Pen, Eraser, Sharpner, Scale, Bag, Notebook, Activity Book, Color Book, Crayons, Slate, Exam Pad, Water Bottle
Tooth Brush, Tooth Paste, Soap
What did you do with your Rs.550 today?
We hope you changed a life.
Do the most with least today.
Donate a GISR kit and make a big difference with little effort.
One kit, just one, can change one life.
The intents behind this initiative:
- To make sure the kids are healthy; and
- There is nothing to stop them from learning.
Every day we spend so much on unnecessary things without blinking once, but we think twice before donating. Is saving a life that expensive? You cannot even imagine the massive impact that your decision to make a minimal donation can make in a child’s life. The amount of money we use for fulfilling our trivial desires is way more than the small amount of money that has the power to lift a child from a life of hardships to a life of joy.
It can ease the pain of hands that work all day then carry books to school because they will have a bag now. It can change the bitter experience of periods for her because she will have access to sanitary napkins. She won’t have to skip school. She won’t have to deal with infections and hospitals at an age so tender, because you helped her today. A girl can study. A kid can grow. They won't have to suffer, because YOU made things easier for them.
GISR Kit includes:
Pencil Box, Geometry Box, Pencil, Pen, Eraser, Sharpner, Scale, Bag, Notebook, Activity Book, Color Book, Crayons, Slate, Exam Pad, Water Bottle, Tooth Brush, Tooth Paste, Soap
Take a moment to decide between an unhealthy pizza and making a life beautiful. If you chose the pizza, remember that helping others feeds your soul in a way that other things can never do. Every time you choose not to help someone, you miss the chance to feel the most beautiful sentiment in the universe. Our world is a full circle, and everything we give comes back to us. If we wish to be loved, we also need to learn to love. The more you donate, the more blessings you get, the more smiles you spread.
Till Now, we have made 143 Kids Smile
Please Note: Donation to GISR Foundation qualify for tax deduction under Section 80G (5) of Income Tax Act of India, vide Excemption Certificate Number AAHCG4955EF20206, dated 09/07/2021, which is existing and valid as on date. The receipt will be sent to your email upon realization of the donation amount.