About Us

Who we are ?

Accolade holders in whatever field they are, are not born as ones, are made from their hard work, and stand on what they have created.

Not everything that they did was on their own; there was support from people who trusted them, families who wanted them to succeed, true friends who took them out to get refreshed from time to time, and some are the warriors who did everything on their own without any support.

No matter with or without support, people who create wonders, make them bigger, help others in creating one, or create a small one of their own, they have a right more than anyone else to get recognized.

GISR not only celebrates the wonders created, but the ones who created them. It's not easy to create something, let alone it being extraordinary. Join us in getting together and celebrate the people who are on the top in their fields, who love what they do, and continue to do it every single day.