Educate girls and change the course of their lives.
We at GISR are just a group of people understanding the value of education and who want to change the education paradigm for the goodwill and welfare of Girl Child and underprivileged students in the society.
Teaching the students, providing them with their basic needs is what we work for. We are selfish for the smiles, joy, excitement and powerhouse of energy that those children become when they are being taught. Growing together is what we teach them, taking everybody around with us. Life has a way of surprising us and good results come when good deeds are done. No harm will ever fall upon someone who is trying to do good for the society and the world.

GISR Foundation is a non-government, not-for-profit organization registered under the Central Government’s Ministry of Corporate Affairs, playing a proactive role in India’s development process by providing education to underprivileged Girl Children.
Moving forward, we are working step by step into achieving our goal, “no girl should be left uneducated”. It is not something that needs any proof that if a girl is educated, incredible things happens. Getting educated brings a person or a kid into a whole new life. There’s always more to know. The way that someone sees the world changes. GISR helps children, especially a girl watch the world from a completely different view.
Not only education but the other aspects of life like health, hygiene, and environment also helps a student when she wants to pave her path to the future. The future stands in the hands of the youth; it will only get better if not only some or more than half are there to do it. Education is not something one should ask for; it is something that she should get without any second thought. It’s the right that GISR strives. The primary concern for GISR will always be to provide educational as well as basic support for the deprived female population. All they need is a bit of a push to start their journey to conquer the world and GISR works hard to accord that push.